今回はみんなの日本語 第9課 練習Cの授業の流れを紹介します。
1. 絵を見せて状況を確認・説明する。
2. 写真の人物がどんなことを話しているのか推測させる。
3. 答えを確認・説明し、リピート練習する
4. ペアで練習する。
5. 教室の前で発表させる。
練習C – 1:〜が好きですか
1. 場面の状況確認と会話の推測
(写真を見せて)What are they talking about?
そうですね。Are they talking about anything else?
そうですね。じゃあ, he wants to ask her if she likes Italian cuisine, how will he ask in Japanese?
そうですね。じゃあ, how will she reply?
そうですね。それから、This man wants to invite her to have a meal on Sunday. How will he ask in Japanese?
いいですね。じゃあ, let’s check the script.
2. 会話例の確認とリピート
Look at the script. First, what did he ask her?
そうですね。And then what did she reply?
いいですね。She said “ええ” not “はい”. What is the difference between “はい” and “ええ”?
“ええ” is casual form of “はい”. They said “ええ” because they are friends.
いいですね。And then he invited her to have a meal, how did he invite her?
はい、 You already studied this grammar pattern. When you want to invite someone, “ませんか” is used. And then how did she reply?
じゃあ, I will read the script. Please repeat after me.
じゃあ,S1さんとS2さんはAです。S3さんとS4さんはBです。 I will read the script. Please repeat after me.
Now, you will change parts, and repeat after me again.
3. 練習問題の確認とペア練習・発表
(絵を見せて指差し)何ですか?(What will he ask?)
じゃあ, pair up with the person beside you, and practice the conversation using pictures. Later you will do demonstration in front of the class
練習C – 2:〜がありますか。 ちょっと貸してください。
1. 場面の状況確認と会話の推測
(写真を見せて)The person to the left looks like he is in trouble. Why?
そうですね。So what will he ask the person to the right?
If he can borrow an eraser or not.
そうですね。if the person to the right says “はい、消しゴムがあります。” ,how will the person to the left reply?
いいですね。じゃあ, let’s check the script.
2. 会話例の確認とリピート
Look at the script. First, what did the person to the left ask the person to the right?
そうですね。When we ask someone, we have to say “すみません” first. じゃあ、the person to the left said “すみません。消しゴムがありますか”. and then what did the person to the right say?
そうですね。それから、what did the person to the left say?
What do you think this means?
そうですね。それから、What did the person to the right?
いいですね。じゃあ、スクリプトを読みましょう。Repeat after me.
練習C – 3:〜ませんか / 残念ですが、〜ますから。
1. 場面の状況確認と会話の推測
(写真を見せて)Two people are talking. What will the person to the left want to do?
He wants to invite the person to the right to the concert.
そうですね。So how will he invite him?
そうですね。それから What will the person to the right reply?
いいですね。じゃあ、The person to the left said “来週の土曜日です”. But look at the other person’s face, he looks like he doesn’t want. He will want to decline with a reason, how will he reply?
いいですね。じゃあ, let’s check the script.
2. 会話例の確認とリピート
Look at the script. First, what did the person to the left say to the person to the right?
それから、what did the person to the right say?
いいですね、それから?The person to the left said?
いいですね。じゃあ、スクリプトを読みましょう。Repeat after me.